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Welcome to Compassion Closet

Foster care is often messy… most often, placements are last-minute and the families have little time to ensure they have the specific items these children need. The problem is made worse by the fact that often children enter the system with only the clothes they are wearing. These factors can cause the first 24-48 hours of a new placement to be far more stressful for everyone involved than they should be. This is the core reason for the Compassion Closet.

Ways to Get Involved

Drop off new or gently used toys, clothing, baby supplies, or other durable goods at one of our five locations.
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We are always looking for help with cleaning and sorting donations as well as making deliveries when able.
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Make a one-time donation or become a regular supporter to help offset rent, utilities, and other costs.
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Spread the Word
Help out with special events and drives using our custom images and printables.
Media Resources
Join the Compassion Closet Prayer Team to uplift families in prayer each week.
Become a Member

Making A Difference