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Join the Compassion Closet Prayer Team

Those serving in Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoption are often on the front lines of spiritual warfare that can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausting. One of the most important ways that you can lift up their arms in this battle to heal and help children is to fervently pray for specific needs. If you would like to partner with us through consistent and specific prayer, please consider being a part of the official Compassion Closet Prayer Team.


Each week you will receive an email with specific prayer requests and Scriptural truths/prompts to help guide you as you pray. Included with the email will be a PDF that you can print or save to your phone in order to quickly access these requests. You may receive more than one message per week if an emergency/time-sensitive request is submitted.


  1. Find one or more prayer partners to join you. This step is vital for accountability and God also promises His presence in a special way as we join together before His throne of grace.
  2. You and your prayer partner(s) will need to individually subscribe below so that you can be added to the weekly prayer request mailing.
  3. Commit to pray with your partner(s) over specific needs a minimum of once per week. You don’t need to meet in person, but we do ask that you spend time in prayer together either online, by phone, or in person. We trust that you will also be taking these requests to the Lord personally throughout each day as God prompts your heart.
  4. Please keep the requests given private. This means that the email itself nor its contents should be shared online or verbally except with the other members of the prayer team. Personal names will not be included in the email sent to you, but if by chance you are made privy to the persons involved, please keep that information to yourself. Protecting the privacy of the foster families we serve is of vital importance both personally as well as legally. We appreciate your cooperation in this.