One way Compassion Closet has been able to have an impact in East Tennessee in the last few years is by purchasing beds for children who do not currently have one. This bed may allow siblings to stay together when entering foster care, to live with relatives or family friends, or to stay with their biological family. The requests for these continues to grow, and we need your help to continue to serve in this way!
Social workers across East Tennessee make these requests, and they have let us know how much the beds we are able to provide are appreciated and needed. Here are a few testimonials we have received:
– “Thank you for everything you guys do for these families. Seeing the relief on their faces when I let them know that this is a service we can help them with is beyond priceless.” – Newport CPS
– “This is amazing and will help this family so much. Thank you for all you do!” – Jefferson County DCS
– “The family let us know that they received the beds and the children love them!” – East Region DCS
Would you partner with us so that we can continue to provide this needed resource to families in East Tennessee? A gift of $150 will provide a mattress, bed frame, and bedding for a child. Your gift means that a child will no longer have to worry about not having a place to sleep.
Donate here: https://compassioncloset.com/give
Thank you for your continued support!